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Dua for 23th Day


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دعاء اليوم الثالث والعشرين
اللهمّ اغسِلْني فيهِ من الذُّنوبِ وطَهِّرْني فيهِ من العُيوبِ وامْتَحِنْ قَلْبي فيهِ بِتَقْوَى القُلوبِ يا مُقيلَ عَثَراتِ المُذْنِبين.
Dua for 23th Day
O Allah cleanse me of immorality and remove my shortcomings in this month; look into my sincerity to judge the “fear of God” (awareness of the governing boundaries laid down by Thee) in my heart and mind, O He who overlooks the lapses miscarried by the wrongdoers.