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Ghusl (Obligatory Bath)

- sometimes it is obligatory to perform Ghuslfor prayer or things which require Wudhu.

106 - In Ghusl a person should wash all the body and one's head and neck whether it is obligatory Ghusl such as Janabat or Mustahab Ghusl such as Friday Ghusl. In other words there is no difference between in performing Ghusls, except in intention.

107 - There are two methods of performing Ghusl

a) Tartibi (sequential)

b) Ertimasi (by submerging the whole body)

In Tartibi Ghusl a person should first wash head and neck, and there after one washes the right part of the body and then the left part.

In Ertimasi Ghusl all parts of the body aresubmerged in water at one time.

So for performing Ghusl the water should be enough that a human can submerge all of the body in it.

Conditions for Validity of Ghusl

108 - All the conditions for the validity of Wudhu which have been stated (4) also apply to the validity of Ghusl except Muvalat, and it is not necessary that the body be washed downwards from the head.

109 - A person who is obligated to do more than one Ghusl, he/she can perform one Ghusl with the niyyat to include the rest.

110 - A person who has performed a wajib Ghusl other than Estehazeh Motevasseteh must not perform Wudhu for prayer.

111 - In Ertimasi Ghusl all the body should be pak but in tartibi Ghusl it is not necessary that the entire body of a person should be pak , so it is enough to rinse every part of body before performing the Ghusl of that part.

112 - Jabira Ghusl is like the Jabira Wudhu.(5)

113 - A person who is observing obligatory fasting can not do Ertimasi Ghusl becuse the fasting person should not submerge his/her head into water.  But if he/she forgot and did it,it is valid.

114 - It is not necessary to wash all the body with the hand and as it is enough to make the water reach all the body with the niyyat of Ghusl.

Obligatory Ghusl

115 - There are seven obligatory Ghusls:

* Janabat

* Dead body (Miyyat )

* For touching a dead body

* Hayz ( menstruation )

* Istihaza

* Nifas

* The Ghusl which becomes obligatory on account of a vow or an oath to perform it.

Janabat Ghusl

116 - If a human has discharged semen(6) (while sleeping or when awake) or has sexual intercourse he/she become Jonob (due to noctural pollution or intercorse) and he/she should perform Janabat Ghusl for prayer and other acts which require purification


117 - If movement of seminal fluid is felt but not emitted it is not necessary to perform Ghusl

118 - A person who knows that semen has been from him/her or he/she knows that discharged the fluid emitted from him/her is semen, is Jonob and he/she should perform Ghusl.

119 - If one can not know whther the fluid from one's body is semen, urine or somthing else, it will be treated as semen if it is thrown out with lust and if the body is slackened. If all or some of these signs are not present the fluid will not be treated as semen.  In the case of woman and illness the existence of one of these signs means that semen is thrown out with lust and enough.

120 - It is Mustahab that a person should urinate after the seminal discharge and if he/she did not urinate and an emission was seen after Ghusl, which could not be determined as semen or somthing else. It would be treated as semen.

Acts which are Forbidden for those in Janabat

121 - From the time which the human becomes Jonob to the time of performing the Ghusl or if he/she can not perform Ghusl he/she or Tayammum these acts (things) are haraam for him/her.

* To touch with any part of one's body the script of the holy Quran or the name of Almighty Allah and as an obligatory caution the names of holy prophets and Imams (peace be upon them).

* Entering Masjid ul haraam or Masjid un Nabi, even though it may be only passing from one gate and going out of another.

* To stay in all other Masjids, but there is no harm if one crosses through a mosque, entring from one gate and exiting from another, he/she can pass to take a thing from a mosque and as obligatory caution that person should not stay in the shrines of the holy Imams.

* To place somthing in mosque.

* To recite those verses of the holy Quran on the recitation of which performance of Sajdah becomes obligatory. Even though it may be one letter of those verses.

Surah Alif Lam mim Sajdah 32

Surah Ha Mim Sajdah Fosselat 41

Surah an-Najm 53

Surah al-Alag 96

122 - If a person designates a place aside for prayer in his/her house (also in an institution or adminstration) it will not be treated as a mosque.

123 - It is of no harm to stay in the shrine of the offspring of an Imam when a person is Jonob but it is harram to stay in the mosques which is built by side of the shrines.

Ghusl for a Dead Body

124 - If a person ( muslim) dies his/her body should be given Ghusl and kafan (shroud ) and Salat-e-mayyit should be offered after the body is buried.(7)

Ghusl for touching a Dead body

125 - If a person touches with any part of his/her own body a human corps dead body which has become cold and has not yet been given Ghusl he/she should perform Ghusl.

The Special Ghusl for Women and Girls

126 - Three Ghusl among the obligatory Ghusl are obligatory for girls and women, these Ghusls are:
Hayz (menstrual discharge), Istihaza (any type of blood which is seen by women) and Nifas (the blood is seen by the mother after child birth takes place), and the cause of these Ghusls is the blood discharged from the womb of women. Each of these Ghusls has special rules.

Ghusl for Hayz

127 - After the menses is finished a womanshould take Ghusl for the prayer and the other acts of worship which require Taharat (purification).

128 - Blood seen by a girl who has not yet completed 9 years of her age will not be classified as Hayz.

129 - The blood of Hayz flows continuously for three days. so if the blood is interrupted before three days, it will not be Hayz.

130 - The blood seen in Hayz does not last more than ten days and if it is more than ten days, the days after 10 should not treated as Hayz.

131 - Menses is usually thick, warm and it's color is either black or red. It is discharged with a pressure and a little irritation.

132 - Acts which are Haraam for a woman who is in the state of Hayz:

* The Ritual prayer and Tavaf of kabah.

* All the acts which are forbidden to a jonob such as staying in mosque.(8)

133 - During these days prayer and fasting arenot obligatory and the prayers do not have tobe compensated (Qadha) But compensatoryfasting must be done.

134 - There is no difference between Hayz Ghusl and janabat Ghusl except in the niyyat.

135 - A person can perform prayer with Hayz Ghusl and it is not necessary to perform Wudhu in addition to Ghusl.

Ghusl for Istihaza

136 - One type of blood which is sometimes discharged from the womb of women is Istihaza.

137 - The blood of Istihaza is usually yellowish and cold and is emitted without gush or irritation and is not thick.  It is however, possible the color of the blood may be red or warm thick, and maybe issued with gush and irritation.

138 - The blood of the Istihaza is classified on the basis of small and excessive amounts in three groups.

If the blood is a small amount it is not necessary to perform Wudhu but Wudhu is obligatory for performing worship, and if the blood is not a small amount, Ghusl is obligatory.  Girls should refer to the book of practical rules the rule 394  in order to become familiar with this issues. (rules)

Ghusl for Nifas

139- The Nifas Ghusl is related to child birth and woman should perform it after blood is seen from the time during which the child is born, and this blood is not seen in other times.

These rules were stated in the book of practical rules, the rule of 508.