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4. Mudhtaribah

494. Mudhtaribah is a woman who has seen blood for some months, but did not form a fixed habit. If such a woman sees blood for more than 10 days, and if the nature of blood remains same, if the habit of her relatives is 7 days, she must choose 7 days for Hayz and the rest for Istihaza, and if it is less than that, for example, it is 5 days, then the same period must be her Hayz. As an obligatory precaution, in case of difference between their habits and 7 days limit, which is two days, she should not do what is Haraam for Haaez and act as per Istihaza; in other words, she must perform her worships according to the rules of Mustahaza woman, and if the habit of her relatives is more than 7 days, i.e. it is 9 days, she must consider 7 days as Hayz and as an obligatory precaution, in the period of difference between 7 days and their habit which is two days, she must act as Istihaza and refrain from doing what is Haraam for Haaez

495. If Mudhtaribah sees blood for more than ten days, and if for some days the blood has the signs of Hayz and during other days has the signs of Istihaza, and if the blood which has the signs of Hayz is not less than 3 days no more than 10 days, then the days which show the signs of Hayz, are all Hayz period and the days which show the signs of Istihaza, will be considered as Istihaza period.
And if the blood bearing the signs of Hayz is for less than 3 days, she must follow the rules regarding her relatives habits, if it is seven days, then she must choose 7 days for Hayz and the rest for Istihaza, and if the habit of her relatives is less than or more than 7 days, she must act as was mentioned in the previous point. In other words, she must determine it as Hayz for 7 days and act according to the earlier points for the rest. And also, if she sees blood which bears the signs of Hayz again after ten days, for example, she sees black blood for 5 days and yellowish blood for 9 days and again black blood for 5 days, she must choose the first one as Hayz, the rest until 7 days will be acted according to the previous point.