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Rules of hunting with weapon.

2746. If a Halal wild animal is hunted with a weapon and it dies, it becomes Halal and its body becomes Pak, if the following five conditions are fulfilled:

2747. The weapon used for hunting should be able to cut through, like a knife or a sword, or should be sharp like a spear or an arrow; so that due to its sharpness, it may tear the body of the animal. If an animal is hunted with a trap, or hit by a piece of wood or a stone, it does not become Pak, and it is Haraam to eat its meat. And if an animal is hunted with a gun and its bullet is so fast that it pierces into the body of the animal and tears it up, the animal will be Pak and Halal, but if the bullet is not fast enough and enters the body of the animal with pressure and kills, or burns its body with its heat, and the animal dies due to that heat, it is a matter of Ishkal to say that the animal is Pak or Halal.

I. The hunter should be a Muslim or at least a Muslim child who can distinguish between good and bad. If a non-Muslim, or from those sects like, Nawasib - enemies of Ahlul Bait (AS) - who are classified as Kafir, hunts an animal, the animal is not Halal.

II. The hunter should aim the weapon for hunting the particular animal. Therefore, if a person takes an aim at some target, and kills an animal accidentally, that animal will not be Pak and it will be Haraam to eat its meat.

III. While using the weapon the hunter should recite the name of Allah, and it is sufficient if he utters the name of Allah before the target is hit. But if he does not recite Allah’s name intentionally, the animal does not become Halal. There is, however, no harm if he fails to do so because forgetfulness.

IV. The animal will be Haraam if the hunter reaches it when it is already dead, or, even if it is alive, he has no time left to slaughter it. And if he has enough time to slaughter it and he does not slaughter it till it dies, it will be Haraam.

2748. If two persons hunt an animal and one is Muslim and the other is Kafir, that animal is not Halal, but if they are both Muslims and one of them mentions the name of Allah and the other does not intentionally mention the name of Allah, that animal is not Halal, as an obligatory precaution.

2749. If an animal is shot with an arrow and, if it falls into water and a person knows that the animal has died because of being shot with an arrow, and falling into water, it will not be Halal. In fact, if he is not sure that the animal has died only because of being shot with an arrow, it is not Halal. But if he hunts the animal and it disappears and later it is found dead, if he is sure that it is killed only because of his weapon, it is Halal but if there is a possibility that some other thing has role in that, it is Najis and Haraam

2750. If a person hunts an animal employing a usurped dog or an usurped weapon, the hunted animal is Halal and becomes his property. However, besides the fact that he has committed a sin, he should pay the hiring charges for the weapon or dog to its owner.

2751. If the weapon with the conditions mentioned in article 2476 cuts the animal into two parts, with head and neck on one part, and the hunter reaches the animal when it is dead, both the parts will be Halal. And the same rule applies if the animal is alive at that time, but there is not enough time to slaughter it. However, if there is time for slaughtering it, and it is possible that the animal may live for some time, the part which does not contain head and neck is Halal, if the animal is slaughtered according to the rules prescribed by Shariah; otherwise, that part too will be Haraam.

2752. If an animal is cut into two parts with a stick or a stone, or another implement with which hunting is not proper, the part which does not contain the head and the neck will be Haraam. As for the part which contains the head and neck, if the animal is alive, and it is slaughtered in accordance with the rules prescribed by Shariah, that part is Halal.

2753. If an animal is hunted or slaughtered and its young one, which is alive, is taken out of its body, that young one will be Halal, if it is slaughtered in accordance with Shariah; otherwise, it will be Haraam.

2754. If an animal is hunted or slaughtered, and its dead young one is brought out of its body, it will be Pak and Halal if it had not died before the mother was killed, and provided it is fully developed, with hair or wool grown on its body.