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Doubts that invalidate Namaz

1187. The following doubts make prayers void:

A. Doubts about the number of Rak’ats occurring in prayers which consist of 2 Rak’ats, like Fajr prayers offered by traveler. However, doubt about number of Rak’ats in Mustahab prayers or Namaz of Ihtiyat does not make the prayers void.

B. Doubts about the number of Rak’ats occurring in prayers consisting of 3 Rak’ats.

C. Doubt occurring in prayers of 4 Rak’ats as to whether one has performed one Rak’at or more.

D. Doubt in prayers of 4 Rak’ats before going to the second Sajdah, as to whether he has performed 2 Rak’ats or more (for more details refer to 4th case of valid doubts).

E. Doubts between 2 and 5 Rak’ats or between 2 and more than 5 Rak’ats.

F. Doubts between 3 and 6 Rak’ats or between 3 and more than 6 Rak’ats

G. Doubts in Rak’ats of Namaz in a way that one does not recall how many Rak’ats he/she has offered.

H. Doubts between 4 and 6 Rak’ats or between 4 and more than 6 Rak’ats; whether it is before or after completing second Sajdah. But if it is after the second Sajdah between 4 and 6 or more, the recommended precaution is to accept 4 and complete the Namaz with that and then perform two Sahv Sajdahs and repeat Namaz.

1188. If one has a doubt, which invalidates Namaz, he/she may not break Namaz, but if thinking about it persists for a while, he/she may break prayers.