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Namaz of Ayat

1511. Namz-e Ayat becomes obligatory due to the following four things:

Solar eclipse

Lunar eclipse
Even if the moon or the sun is partially eclipsed, and even if they do not engender any fear.
Earthquake, even if no one is frightened.
Thunder and lightning, red and black cyclone and other similar celestial phenomena, which frightens most of the people.
Similarly for the terrestrial events like receding, or falling mountains which engender mass fear, as per obligatory precaution, Namaz-e Ayat must be offered.

1512. If several events which make Namaz-e Ayat obligatory occur together, one should offer Namaz-e Ayat for each of them. For example, if solar eclipse as well as an earthquake take place, one should ofer separate Namaz-e Ayat for each of these two occurences, or if earthquake occures twice, the same rule applies.

1513. If a number of Qadha Namaz-e Ayat is obligatory on a person, irrespective of whether they have become obligatory due to one and the same thing, like solar eclipse occurring three times, it is not necessary for him while offering the Qadha prayers to specify the event for which he is offering the prayer. Also, if several Namaz is obligatory on a person due to thunder and lightning and black or red cyclone and the like, the same rule applies. But if due to solar or lunar eclipse or both, several Namaz become obligatory, as an obligatory precaution, one must specify in his/her Niyyat the event, which he/she is offering Namaz.

1514. Offering Namaz-e Ayat is obligatory for the residents of only that town in which the event takes place. It is not obligatory for the people of other towns; but if the place of occurance is very close so that they are considered as one city, Namaz-e Ayat is obligatory for them all.

1515. The time of Namaz-e Ayat sets in as the eclipse starts, and remains till the eclipse is over. It is better, however, not to delay till the reversal of eclipse commences, though completion of Namaz-e Ayat may coincide with the time reversal.

1516. If a person delays offering of Namaz-e Ayat till the sun or the moon starts coming out of eclipse, the Niyyat of Ada or Qadha will not be in order, but if he offers the prayers after the eclipse is over, he shoud make a Niyyat of Qadha

1517. If the duration of solar or lunar eclipse allows time for one or less Rak’at, Namaz-e Ayat can be offered with the Niyyat of Ada. Similarly, if a person has enough duration of eclipse at his disposal, but he delays till the time of offer one Rak’at remains before the eclipse is over, he will pray with the Niyyat of Ada.

1518. When earthquake, thunder lightning and other similar events take place, a person should offer Namaz-e Ayat immediately; otherwise, he/she has committed a sin, and it will be obligatory for him/her to offer that Namaz till the end of life and whenever he/she offers it, that Namaz is Ada.

1519. If a person did not know about the sun or the moon eclipse, and came to know after the eclipse was over, he should give its Qadha if it was a total eclipse. And if he comes to know that the eclipse was partial, Qadha will not be obligatory.

1520. If certain people say that the sun or the moom has been eclipsed, but a person hearing that is not satisfied with what they say, and consequently does not offer Namaz-e Ayat, if it transpires later that what they siad was true, the person should offer Namaz-e Ayat if it was a total eclipse. And if it was a partial eclipse, it is not obligatory upon him to offer Namaz-e Ayat. The same rule applies if two pesons who he does not consider Adil, say that the sun or the moon has been eclipsed and it transpires later that they are Adil; however, if it is proved that there was partial eclipse, he/she should offer Namaz-e Ayat, as an obligatory precaution.

1521. If a person is satisfied with the statement of persons who know the time of solar or lunar eclipse according to scientific calculation, he should pray Namaz-e Ayat. Also, if they inform him that the sun or moon will be eclipsed at a particular time, and give him the duration of the eclipse, he should accept their words and act accordingly, provided that he is fully satisfied with them. For example, if they say sun will start reversal at certain time, one should not delay Namaz until then.

1522. If a person realizes that Namaz-e Ayat offered by him was void, he should offer it again. And if the time has passed, he should offer its Qadha.

1523. If Namaz-e Ayat becomes obligatory on a person at the time of daily prayers, and if he has enough time at his disposal for both, he can offer any of them first. If the time for one of them is short, he should offer that prayers first, and if the time for both of them is short, he should offer the daily prayers first

1524. If a person realizes during the daily prayers that the time for Namaz-e Ayat is hsort, and if the time for daily prayers is also short, he should complete the daily prayers and then offer Namaz-e Ayat. But if the time for daily prayers is not short, he should break that prayers and first offer Namaz-e Ayat and then offer the daily prayers.

1525. If a person realizes while offering Namaz-e Ayat, that the time for daily prayers is short, he should leave Namaz-e Ayat and start offering the daily prayers. After completing the daily prayers, and before performing any act which invalidates the prayers, he should start Namaz-e Ayat from where he left.

1526. If while a woman is in Hayz or Nifas, solar or lunar eclipse happens and she remains in that state until the end of these events, Namaz-e Ayat is not obligatory for her. But as an obligatory precaution, she must offer Qadha after becoming Pak. Also, if earthquake or similar events happen, she must offer Qadha after becoming Pak, as an obligatory precaution.