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Method of Tayammum.

699. The following four things are obligatory in Tayammum:
I. Intention (Niyyat).
II. Striking or keeping both the palms together on the object on which Tayammum is valid.
III. Wiping or stroking the entire forehead with the palms of both hands, and, its two ends commencing from the spot where the hair of one’s head grow down to the eyebrows and above the nose. And it is obligatory precaution that the palms pass over the eyebrows as well.
IV. To pass the left palm over the whole back of the right hand and thereafter, to pass the right palm over the whole back of the left hand.
700. Tayammum, whether it is instead of Ghusl or Wudhu, it is the same. But, as a recommended precaution, Tayammum instead of Ghusl should be performed in two parts, namely one time hands should strike on the earth and wipe the forehead and next time, hands strike the earth and wipe the back of hands. As a recommended precaution, Tayammum instead of Wudhu also should be done in two parts, but it is better to be in three parts. Two times consecutively hands strike the earth and wipe the forehead and one more time hands strike the earth and wipe the back of hands.