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Dua for 8th Day


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دعاء اليوم الثامن
اللهمّ ارْزُقني فيهِ رحْمَةَ الأيتامِ وإطْعامِ الطّعامِ وإفْشاءِ السّلامِ وصُحْبَةِ الكِرامِ بِطَوْلِكَ يا ملجأ الآمِلين.
Dua for 8th Day
O Allah keep me alive, in this month, wrapped in the compassion (Thou feels) for the orphans; provide me wholesome meals; and let me show forth myself as a true Muslim to spread Islam, let me move in the company of the noble-minded persons, through Thy power, O the Ultimate resting-place of those who long for safety.