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Dua for 18th Day


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دعاء اليوم الثامن عشر
اللهمّ نَبّهْني فيهِ لِبَرَكاتِ أسْحارِهِ ونوّرْ فيهِ قلبي بِضِياءِ أنْوارِهِ وخُذْ بِكُلّ أعْضائي الى اتّباعِ آثارِهِ بِنورِكَ يا مُنَوّرَ قُلوبِ العارفين.
Dua for 18th Day
O Allah keep me awake, in this month, to find and get the blessings of its mornings; enlighten my heart with the rays of its bright light; let me (all parts of my body) yield to follow its traditions, in the name of Thy Light, O the Light of the hearts and minds of those who know.